ISO people who are involved with government activities in the tourism sector and have concerns about what is happening around the world.
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Browse below and see where you may be able to lend your expertise, share a tip, or provide advice to the students of Capilano University endeavouring to advance the global tourism industry.
Looking to connect with IT professionals to collaborate and create a platform to educate and inform about the Sakura season in Vancouver.
Imagine you have a family member who is disabled and wants to travel the world, would you like them to not be worried about these challenges or would you like them to relax and enjoy like others
As part of our efforts to create bamboo bicycles that are handmade, we are looking for suppliers in Southeast Asia who can provide raw bamboo materials to Canada.
Looking for agencies and tour operators who would join the process to involve their tours and attractions to this application.
Looking to connect with real estate developers and hotel operators on the challenges of installing solar panel on current existed properties.
Looking to connect with zero-waste supply companies in Vancouver, North Vancouver, and Burnaby, as well as the community or travel agents in the future to advertise these to target audiences.
We want the tourism industry to develop especially in a sustainable way. We hope the travellers or tourists not only tour around but also get educated from their travel experience.
Our idea asks for young generations to report environment-related issues to local/provincial government and related partners and discuss and promote the innovative and feasible solutions with them too.
I am looking for people who have an experience in app development or have seen something similar like this to help bring my idea to life.
Prospective airlines and various businesses operating with sustainable and green energy sources such as biogas may be my ideal collaborative allies.
In collaborative partners, I want to work with local hospitality partners, NGOs, college and universities, tourism boards, and humans around the world to reduce the use of plastic bags.
I am looking for people who are good at app development and who have good knowledge about law.
ISO bloggers, or social media influencers, who can help me advertise my hashtag and go viral.
ISO cruise ship companies and waste management companies as well as renewable energy companies.
ISO builders, Environmental conservation, renewable energy resources provider, architect, app developers.
ISO people who enjoy camping and diving, as well as cleaning up the ocean or nature, would be my ideal collaborative partner or partners.
ISO people who are in Hospitality industry all over the world and who want to contribute in sustainable solutions.
ISO someone that could build a e-commerce that could work globally. The other one would be organizations, individuals or governments that could be not only responsible for those items, but also the face for their community.
ISO people who are involved with government activities in the tourism sector and have concerns about what is happening around the world.
ISO people who are involved with government activities in the tourism sector and have concerns about what is happening around the world.
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Looking to partner with food serving establishments wanting to decrease their waste.