DIEGO'S IDEA: ToDay TraVel - an application for lost travellers

Your Name


In one sentence, tell us about your idea.

This simple application highlights all the activities in a city such as attractions, tours, restaurants, live concerts, and many more.

Finish this sentence: My ideal collaborative partner or partners would be...

Travel agencies and creative people looking forward to the future of travel and innovative locations.

In regards to finding the right collaborator, what is the most immediate or most pressing challenge you're facing right now?

Collaboration with attractions and travel agencies. Creating a website or digital brand to create word of mouth. Time is the second most pressing challenge.

What makes your idea innovative? Why has no one ever done it before?

In this case ToDay TraVel app will connect tourist with the city they are visiting in a deeper way. Using this application they will find hidden gems like local restaurants, outdoors locations, and attractions that are posted by locals who are willing to share. Lets say you are in city and you have done all of the big attractions and have time to spare, you go into ToDay TraVel app and you can check out small restaurants that locals go or places to explore that mostly tourist miss because they go to known famous attractions.

How far does your idea reach?


Ideally, when would you launch this idea?

In a year

Who will benefit the most from your idea?

Tourist and small business like restaurants, small chain hotels, events, etc.

At Sigmund, we are interested in ideas at the intersection of People, Planet, and Profit. How does your idea support these three categories?

We give people the chance to get known and the opportunity for locations to get known by making it more accessible creating marketing for those locations. we care for the planet in the case of crowd controlling and over tourism on a single location. Lastly in the case of profit we sponsor places on our application in order for tourists to get there.

Making the world a better place can seem daunting. At Sigmund, we have found this list of UN Goals to be a great compass. What UN goals would you say your idea relates to?

  • Quality Education

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

  • Responsible Consumption and Production

  • Peace and Justice Strong Institutions