JANVI'S IDEA: Paperless systems in hotels

ISO owners of the hotels, NGOs who promote sustainability and hotel associations.

Your country


Are you submitting as a team or as an individual?

Individual submission

In one sentence, tell us about your idea.

I have an idea for introducing paperless systems in hotels in order to promote sustainability in hotel industry.

Finish this sentence: My ideal collaborative partner or partners would be...

I am looking for like owners of the hotels, NGOs who promote sustainability and hotel associations, so that I could share my idea and by taking their help execute it.

In regards to finding the right collaborator, what is the most immediate or most pressing challenge you're facing right now?

The challenge that I am facing right now is due to Covid-19 situation, I am not able to find the collaborator for working on my idea.

BONUS QUESTION: What is it about your idea that makes you feel good?

The things that makes me feel great about my idea is that I am working in order to save the environment and the Mother Earth.

What makes your idea innovative? Why has no one ever done it before?

Definitely, my idea is innovative as most of the hotels are still focusing more on paperwork rather than using eco friendly techniques. But, yes some hotels are working towards sustainability.

How far does your idea reach?


Ideally, when would you launch this idea?

In a few days

Who will benefit the most from your idea?

Hotels, nature, environment.

At Sigmund, we are interested in ideas at the intersection of People, Planet, and Profit. How does your idea support these three categories?

My idea would save the environment as less trees would be cut down for paper, hotels would earn more revenue as paperless systems would improvise the working of the hotel and would attract more customers.

Making the world a better place can seem daunting. At Sigmund, we have found this list of UN Goals to be a great compass. What UN goals would you say your idea relates to?

Climate Action

Affordable and Clean Energy