JASMINE'S IDEA: Social Media for climate change awareness

ISO people who have launched a similar idea.

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Are you submitting as a team or as an individual?

Individual submission

In one sentence, tell us about your idea.

Creating social media accounts specifically attuned to climate change awareness

Finish this sentence: My ideal collaborative partner or partners would be...

I am looking for people who have launched something like this before.

In regards to finding the right collaborator, what is the most immediate or most pressing challenge you're facing right now?

Information all around the world from people who actually experienced it or experiencing climate change in their area and actions they are taking to solve it.

BONUS QUESTION: What is it about your idea that makes you feel good?

What makes your idea innovative? Why has no one ever done it before?

This is not a new idea but more focused on climate change and creating awareness around the world

How far does your idea reach?


Ideally, when would you launch this idea?

In a year

Who will benefit the most from your idea?

Everyone uses technology nowadays especially when when the world is heavily affected with the current pandemic

At Sigmund, we are interested in ideas at the intersection of People, Planet, and Profit. How does your idea support these three categories?

Awareness is very important. If we continuously spread awareness, it will create a domino effect all around the world.

Making the world a better place can seem daunting. At Sigmund, we have found this list of UN Goals to be a great compass. What UN goals would you say your idea relates to?

Climate Action

Responsible Consumption and Production

Life on Land

Gender Equality