Reflections from Lebanon: My Takeaways from the "Driving Growth and Building Resilience" Seminar

I had the honor of traveling to Beirut to speak at the Lebanon Tourism Industry: Driving Growth and Building Resilience seminar, hosted by USAID. With over 230 tourism professionals, government officials, and industry leaders in attendance, we explored how Lebanon can harness its tourism sector to drive economic growth and create jobs. I focused on the importance of expanding distribution channels, building a strong tourism brand, and capitalizing on Lebanon’s existing infrastructure and attractions.

What I Shared

1. Lebanon Has What It Takes to Succeed:
I emphasized that Lebanon already has the essential elements for tourism success: a diverse product offering, enthusiasm within the industry, and a high level of professionalism. From Beirut’s renowned nightlife to stunning seaside resorts and dramatic mountains that offer both skiing and summer activities, Lebanon is ready for a place on the global tourism stage. With the right marketing efforts, the country can stand out as a premier destination.

2. Infrastructure is Key, and So Are Experiences:
Lebanon’s existing infrastructure is well-suited to support tourism growth. I pointed out that today’s travelers want immersive, experiential vacations—and Lebanon has plenty to offer. Whether it’s exploring ancient historical sites, experiencing the country’s natural beauty, or diving into its vibrant modern culture, Lebanon is in a prime position to attract visitors seeking more than the typical vacation.

3. Don’t Forget About Travel Advisors:
A major point I brought up was the role of travel advisors in the U.S. market. They control about one-third of the U.S. travel market, which represents roughly $1 billion. While many American travelers tend to stay within North America or the Caribbean, there’s a growing interest in more immersive, off-the-beaten-path destinations—Lebanon could be exactly what they’re looking for.

4. Lessons from Rwanda’s Success:
I also used Rwanda as a case study, demonstrating how a country can rebuild its tourism sector and thrive. Rwanda, once overlooked, has successfully defined its strengths and built a sustainable tourism model that appeals to international visitors. I encouraged Lebanon to follow a similar path—identifying its most compelling features and creating a sustainable system to attract global tourists.

The Audience and Impact

The seminar brought together a diverse group of attendees, including representatives from the Office of the President of the Republic, the UN World Tourism Organization, TripAdvisor, and the Global Travel and Tourism Resilience Council. It was exciting to see such strong support for Lebanon’s tourism future, and the discussions were filled with optimism and practical ideas for how to move forward.

My Key Takeaways

Lebanon has everything it needs to become a leading global destination, but it will take a strong, clear tourism brand and focused efforts to expand into new international markets. Infrastructure development will be key, and tapping into the growing desire for experiential travel will help Lebanon stand out. Additionally, Lebanon’s growing tech industry can play a crucial role in strengthening its tourism offerings and positioning it as a resilient destination.

I left Beirut feeling inspired by the country’s potential. Lebanon is on the brink of greatness, and I’m excited to see how it will continue to evolve in the tourism space.

Stay tuned as Sigmund continues to help destinations like Lebanon tap into their full potential and build resilient, thriving tourism sectors.