APR 12 DEADLINE - Website + App for Province in South Africa
The project aims to appoint a service provider to develop a new website and mobile app for Tourism KZN.
The provider must ensure the website and app align with global best practices and guarantee a 99.9% uptime with high cyber security.
Enhance the tourism experience by making the website and app engaging and user-friendly.
Improve accessibility to tourism information.
Create digital content based on global tourism trends to attract travelers to KZN.
Develop the existing database with various digital formats.
Migrate existing legacy websites to the new platform.
Eventually merge TKZN and KZNFC websites into a new entity's website if a merger occurs within 3 years.
Provide detailed analytics for consumer insights and launch successful digital campaigns.
Include artificial intelligence for an enhanced user experience.
Ensure a single backend portal for simultaneous updates by the service provider and TKZN.
Key Deadlines :
Closing Date: Friday, 12 April 2024 - 12:00
Special Conditions: Online Briefing Session is compulsory. Failure to attend will result in disregarded submissions.
Compulsory: Yes
Date and Time: Monday, 11 March 2024 - 10:00
Venue: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_Y2ViMzg0NTAtMmUzOS00MDAwLTlhZWItYjgxMGE1ZDY1ZThe aim of this project is to appoint a suitable service provider to: