Swissnex - a launchpad for Swiss startups

Enabling Swiss startups to go international

Swissnex is a launchpad for Swiss startups in some of the world's leading technology and innovation hubs. Our equity-free startup programs are customized to the needs of entrepreneurs.

Swissnex is an initiative of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation and is part of the Confederation’s network abroad managed by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. The activities of Swissnex are based on a collaborative approach, relying on public and private partnerships and funding.

Our mission is to support the outreach and active engagement of our partners in the international exchange of knowledge, ideas and talent.

The Swissnex HQ team is based at the State Secretariat of Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) in Switzerland. It is a dynamic team connecting Switzerland and the world in education, research and innovation.