SHAYMAA, ALI & MOHAMMED'S IDEA: Hospitality Refrigerator

Your Names

Shaymaa, Ali, Mohammed

In one sentence, tell us about your idea.

A smart refrigerator for the hospitality industry that uses sensors and artificial intelligence to track expiration dates and recommends recipes based on the ingredients inside.

Finish this sentence: My ideal collaborative partner or partners would be...

Hotel and restaurant.

In regards to finding the right collaborator, what is the most immediate or most pressing challenge you're facing right now?

technical issue and financial.

BONUS QUESTION: What is if about your idea that makes you feel good?

New ideas will be given the hospitality industry a lot of benefits.

What makes your idea innovative? Why has no one ever done it before?

because it will cost money and only high-quality and smart hospitality will do it.

How far does your idea reach?


Ideally, when would you launch this idea?

Two years from now

Who will benefit the most from your idea?

Hostility industry

At Sigmund, we are interested in ideas at the intersection of People, Planet, and Profit. How does your idea support these three categories?

it supports All categories by helping people to know about the number of expiration dates of food, and it will save the planet to reduce food waste and help the consumer to save money. and make a lot of profit by selling our idea.

Making the world a better place can seem daunting. At Sigmund, we have found this list of UN Goals to be a great compass. What UN goals would you say your idea relates to?

  • No Poverty

  • Good Health and Well-being

  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities