ANUBHAV, LIAM, JACOB, ALEXANDER'S IDEA - An eco-rating system and quality designation for Canadian hospitality properties as influential and understandable as existing rating systems.
Your Name
Anubhav Aggarwal, Liam Finn, Jacob Gandossi, Alexander Siu
In one sentence, tell us about your idea.
What if there was a standardised system developed by the federal government or an industry body that rated Canadian hotel properties based on ecological factors?
Finish this sentence: My ideal collaborative partner or partners would be...
Marketing experts from civic, provincial, and federal destination marketing organisations across Canada; Experts from pre-existing, established green-rating organisations like Green Key Global; Individuals and groups enthusiastic about bringing innovation to the hospitality sector; Experts from the federal ministries of Environment and Climate Change, and Tourism
In regards to finding the right collaborator, what is the most immediate or most pressing challenge you're facing right now?
Gauging the interest, potential impact, and need for a system like this (from the tourism industry and consumers), and finding a collaborator willing to take up the task of creating this standardised rating system
BONUS QUESTION: What is it about your idea that makes you feel good?
It would influence individuals to seriously consider ecologically friendly hospitality factors when travelling within Canada; it’s satisfying in the aspect of helping the general population easily grasp and understand eco-friendly travel options; it could create a push factor in the hospitality industry for properties to move towards more ecologically friendly practices in order to gain a higher, more prestigious rating.
What makes your idea innovative? Why has no one ever done it before?
We want the system to be as ubiquitous and intuitive as the widely recognised property rating systems that currently exist (ex. Stars, Diamonds). While there are currently multiple systems in existence that rate hotels on environmental criteria, said ratings are often not visible or apparent to consumers when they are shopping. A property’s environmental rating should be as visible as its star rating, especially on well-known booking aggregation websites and services. Consumers should be given the option to filter, rank, and search by the environmental ratings that properties have.
How far does your idea reach?
Ideally, when would you launch this idea?
More than two years from now
Who will benefit the most from your idea?
Consumers who are conscious of their environmental footprint and who’d like to reduce it as much as possible when travelling ; Hospitality industry players who can use their rating to effectively market their properties to consumer that are conscious of their environmental footprints
At Sigmund, we are interested in ideas at the intersection of People, Planet, and Profit. How does your idea support these three categories?
We want this system to impart a feeling of pride and prestige to hospitality properties. People understand why a property that is rated 5-star demands such a premium price, and they are willing to pay. Why can’t the same be said for a property with the highest eco-rating possible? It can be good for business because entire marketing campaigns can be developed around a property’s eco-rating, and it can be leveraged as a competitive advantage.
The planet benefits if, driven by the desire for a high rating, properties are compelled to design and adopt ecologically friendly/friendlier practices and systems. Things like the cut-throat reduction of single-use plastics and low-flow water fixtures can go a long way considering how many rooms a property has multiplied by the number of guests it accommodates and the number of days a year it’s in operation.
Making the world a better place can seem daunting. At Sigmund, we have found this list of UN Goals to be a great compass. What UN goals would you say your idea relates to?
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production