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The Sigmund Project Celebrates Two-Year Anniversary and Releases Annual Member Survey Results connects entrepreneurs in travel with collaborators from around the world who can help them take their ideas to the next level (ie. scale, pivot, attract new users, build tech, hire, and more.) 

  • The Sigmund Project, a not-for-profit focused on promoting innovation in the tourism industry, celebrates its two-year anniversary today

  • In conjunction with this milestone, Sigmund has released the results of its annual member survey, shedding light on the interests and needs of its community of 8,500 professionals

  • The most popular areas of interest for members were sustainability, tech, niche tours, tourism boards, giving back, and arts/culture. 

  • Sigmund’s Open Source idea platform and Resources Page were rated the most interesting and useful tools provided at

  • The organization continues to gain interest a 14-minute mentor call to every person who submits their idea on Sigmund's OPEN · SOURCE. 

June 19, 2023 - The Sigmund Project is proud to announce its two-year anniversary today. With over 70,000 unique visitors from over 110 countries and more that 200 submitted ideas, we are moving forward with continued momentum. In conjunction with this milestone, Sigmund has released the results of its annual member survey, shedding light on the interests and needs of its 8,500-strong community of tourism professionals, known as the SigmundVerse.

The survey found that the most popular areas of interest for SigmundVerse members were sustainability, tech, niche tours, tourism boards, giving back, and arts/culture. Respondents were able to select multiple options, and many participants chose more than one area of interest.

On the results, Sigmund’s founder, Alan Elliott Merschen stated "At The Sigmund Project, we firmly believe that through innovation, we can help create a sustainable tourism industry that benefits travelers and businesses. These results show interest in new ideas and collaboration. Over these two years, we have become increasingly encouraged by the future of the tourism industry.”

When asked about specific features of, the open-source idea platform and resources for entrepreneurs were rated the most interesting and useful. The Sigmund Resource Platform, Spotlight E-Newsletter and Sigmund's Looking Forward Journal were also rated positively by the majority of respondents. The website was described as easy to use by most participants.

"The team was thrilled to hear that the SigmundVerse members find to be a valuable resource. Often, the best collaboration has been with other creators. Our Open Source idea platform and Resources page has been rated as the most interesting and useful feature, which speaks to providing practical and innovative tools for those in the tourism industry. We will continue to listen to feedback and improve our offerings to ensure that we provide the best possible resources for our community.”, - said Merschen.

Regarding partnerships, Sigmund is focused on expanding its reach in 2023 by forging more partnerships. Survey participants were invited to suggest companies, universities, or startups for Sigmund to reach out to several participants provided suggestions, which the organization will consider in its outreach efforts.

“Our recent survey has shown that our SigmundVerse members share our mission and are particularly interested in key areas such as travel tech, sustainability, and giving back. By focusing on these areas and partnering with like-minded companies, universities, and startups, we hope to continue driving innovation in tourism and create positive change for all stakeholders. We are grateful to our SigmundVerse members for their valuable insights and are committed to using this information to guide our efforts as Sigmund evolves into the future.", - said Merschen.

For more information about The Sigmund Project and its initiatives, visit

Further Resources for Media 

Media Contact
Ally LaBriola, Director -
Please, copy in all the media correspondence.

About The Sigmund Project
Sigmund helps organizations find their intersection of doing well and doing good. Sigmund is fully funded by private grants and asks for no funds from anyone. It's completely partnership agnostic, free to use, and dedicated to the cause of advancing the global travel industry for good through untapped entrepreneurs who just need a helping hand to get going and start changing the world.  Learn more at   

Examples of Ideas Presented on Sigmund
Sigmund champions ideas from sustainability to DEI to accessibility. Examples of ideas presented in these categories include Alison's Idea - A new booking platform called GoKinda that curates stylish, accessible, and conscious hotels that have a positive impact on people and the planet, Danny's Idea- Building a more diverse pipeline of industry professionals through an early career program for underrepresented youth and Muthuri's Idea- Kenya's first accessible travel brand and PLWD dedicated mobility solutions.

About Sigmund's 14-Minute Mentor Call Program
Finding the intersection of high-tech and high-touch, Sigmund offers a 14-minute mentor call to every person who submits their idea on Sigmund's OPEN · SOURCE. Being an innovator, especially in the travel and tourism industry, can feel daunting and at times lonely. In a world full of high-tech solutions, Sigmund’s 14-min mentor calls are a hi-touch way to foster human connection, motivate these innovators to keep going, and brainstorm ways together that they can overcome the most pressing challenge they are facing. They've had more than 60 calls since June 2021, and every conversation has been transformational and inspirational in its own right. Here is some feedback Sigmund has received to date:

Great ideas, resources, and connections! What an incredibly fruitful ‘14-minutes’. - Henry R.

That was so fun! Your advice was spot on and I found it invigorating! - Michelle B.

Wow, thanks a million. Didn’t expect that much to come from a 14-minute call! - Peter M.

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