OCT 9 DEADLINE – Resource Mobilization Consultancy for Our Blue Future (OBF) in Western Indian Ocean Region
GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) is inviting bids for a Resource Mobilization Consultancy for the Our Blue Future (OBF) multi-stakeholder initiative in the Western Indian Ocean region. The project is focused on strengthening marine governance in the region. Bidders are required to submit a self-declaration of eligibility, technical bid, and financial bid. This is a public tender with no negotiations.
Key Deadlines:
October 9, 2024: Deadline for submissions (12:00 PM Berlin time)
October 28, 2024: Contract award and notification of evaluation results
November 1, 2024: Commencement of service delivery
November 15, 2024: End of binding period