MAR 4 DEADLINE - Research; polling and statistics services in France.
Market and economic research; polling and statistics services in France.
Publication Reference: OJ S 25/2024, dated 05/02/2024 under standard contract or concession notice regime.
Buyer Information:
Agency: Agence Régionale du Tourisme Grand-Est, a local authority engaged in recreation, culture, and religion activities.
Procedure Details:
Title: Market related to prospective monitoring services.
Description: The agency coordinates a "Trends & Prospective" approach through monitoring and foresight to understand, analyze, and anticipate major societal and tourist shifts, including the impact of the COVID19 pandemic on the global tourism industry.
Procedure ID: 05a24338-b538-402e-b876-10ed7d1cc830.
Type: Open procedure.
Contract Purpose:
Nature: Services with a main focus on market and economic research; polling and statistics.
Lot Information:
LOT-0001: Support for developing the Explorer, societal and tourist monitoring.
LOT-0002: Sourcing of innovative solutions.
LOT-0003: Design of emergence notebooks.
Renewal and Participation:
Maximum Renewals: 3 times for a period of 12 months each, not to exceed a total duration of 48 months.
Submission: Electronic submission required, with documents officially available in French.
Key Dates:
Tender Receipt Deadline: 04/03/2024 12:00:00 (UTC+1).
Public Opening: 04/03/2024 14:00:00 (UTC+1).
Further Information and Mediation:
Review Organisation: Tribunal administratif de Strasbourg.
Additional Notes:
The procurement project is not financed with EU Funds and is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA).
The competition involves 3 lots and allows for the submission of tenders for up to 3 lots.