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Apply by April 25 - 19th Annual Conference on Tourism

The Tourism, Leisure & Recreation Unit of ATINER organizes its 19th Annual International Conference on Tourism, 5-8 June 2023, Athens, Greece sponsored by the Athens Journal of Tourism.

The aim of the conference is to bring together academics and researchers from all areas of Tourism. Areas of interest include (but are not confined to): Tourism and Economic Development, Tourism Geography, National and Regional Tourism Policy, European Union’s Tourism Policy, Mega Events (Olympics Games) and Tourism, Hotel Management and Marketing, Restaurant Management and Marketing, Tourism Economics, Tourism Marketing, Tourism Management, Tourism (Travel) Law, Travel Agents and Tour Operators, Sports Tourism, International Tourist Organizations (i.e. WTO, WTTC etc), Tourism Research and Methodology, Tourism, Recreation and Leisure, Tourism Education, Tourism and Culture and Tourism and Arts.

Please submit an abstract (email only) to:, using the abstract submission form by 25 April 2023 to: Dr. Valia Kasimati, Head, Tourism, Leisure & Recreation Unit, ATINER & Researcher, Department of Economic Analysis & Research, Central Bank of Greece, Greece or Dr. Peter Jones, Co-Editor, Athens Journal of Tourism & Professor of Management, University of Gloucestershire, UK. Abstracts should include the following: Title of Paper, Full Name (s), Affiliation, Current Position, an email address, and at least 3 keywords that best describe the subject of your submission. Decisions are reached within 4 weeks.