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Blue Startups - A venture accelerator in Hawaii

Blue Startups is a Top 20 Accelerator in the US (Techcrunch) focused on helping scalable-technology companies compete globally. Blue Startups aims to stimulate economic growth in Hawaii and create new business opportunities by providing promising entrepreneurs with mentorship, access to business expertise, product testing, peer review, pitch development, introductions to investors, and seed funding.


Blue Startups was designed to give startup companies every advantage: mentorship, access to business expertise, product testing, peer review, customer acquisition, pitch development, introductions to investors, and seed funding. We were one of the first accelerator to join the Global Accelerator Network, an invite-only community founded by TechStars, that provides startups with the best resources to create and grow their businesses.

Blue Startups is an intensive mentor-driven program. Our world class lead mentors provide hands on help without limiting their availability: each company is assigned a lead mentor that works with them exclusively throughout the program, and spends a significant amount of time with them. With access to our entire mentor network of experts (over 150) we guarantee all the help our companies need to get to the next stage. We have a strict “no sales” zone at Blue Startups, so we ensure that our mentors are there for the right reasons.

We also choose the startups for the right reason: we look for the DNA of the funding team, coachability, diversity, balance of skill-sets, good communication on the team, mutual respect, vision and flexibility. We value innovation and integrity above all else.  We only want to work with entrepreneurs who have a strong moral compass and a burning desire to bring innovation to society.