JP'S IDEA: A sustainable boat rental/experience using classic Venetian boats that supports local artistry while using modern clean engine solutions.
Looking for someone who works with innovative technologies and has a programming background.
+ What is your name?
JP Morselli
+ Where are you located?
+ In one sentence, tell us about your idea.
Our idea is to create a sustainable boat rental/experience using classic Venetian boats that supports local artistry while using modern clean engine solutions.
+ My ideal collaborative partner or partners would be...?
I am looking for someone who listens to Death Metal. (funny answer) someone who works with innovative technologies and has a programming background.
+ What is it about your idea that makes you feel good?
I love that we are working hard to find solutions to protect our waters (which I surf in) by using clean energy and recycling old wooden boats.
+ What makes your idea innovative? Why has no one ever done it before?
Our idea is innovative because in Venice no one has ever thought to make an electric/ hybrid boat charter company. In a city that has almost 30 million tourists a year, emissions from normal combustion engines along with poorly designed modern boats contribute annually to local pollution along with erosion due to waves made from these boats. With our business we decided to take our idea a step forward by going back in time. Meaning we are using classic wooden boats that we restore ourselves while adapting them for electric and hybrid engines. Lastly, our self-drive boats are constructed in wood by local Venetian boat builders. Which is a dying tradition. We work hard to maintain the local boating traditions by having traditional Venetian boats in our fleet equipped with electric engines. We give Venetians and tourists a way to preserve tradition while using modern technology to power these boats. With our idea we are able to create sustainable tourism by reducing emissions with boats that don't have traditional combustion engines and we are able to preserve local tradition at the same time.
+ Who will benefit the most from your idea?
With our idea and business model, locals benefit the most as we are able to reduce emissions in a manner of responsible tourism that ensures the waters of Venice stay clean.
+ Ideally, when would you launch this idea?
I've already launched my idea
+ Indicate which UN goals your idea relates to?
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Reduced Inequality
Climate Action
Affordable and Clean Energy
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Gender Equality
+ At Sigmund, we are interested in ideas at the intersection of People, Planet, and Profit. How does your idea relate to these three categories?
At this intersection we are able to deliver tourists concerned with the environment an eco-friendly product that supports local craftsmanship while making a choice to pick a tourist option that does not pollute the local environment they are visiting. The product once purchased helps the local economy and drives a sector of Venetian business that has been in steep decline, speaking of course of traditional boat building.
+ If you have a website for your idea, please enter the URL below.
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