ALISA'S IDEA: A travel safety app for solo female travelers
Looking for industry pros and travel bloggers to contribute content, and IT experts to develop the app.
+ What is your name?
+ Where are you located?
+ Are you submitting as a team or individual?
Individual submission
+ In one sentence, tell us about your idea.
I have an idea for a platform/app which could help solo female travelers check the safety of the places (any kind of travel-related things: cities, hotels, bars & clubs, tours, etc.) they are going to.
+ My ideal collaborative partner or partners would be...
People working in the industry, who have ever dealt with a hospitality start up, and travel bloggers to contribute to the project and IT experts to actually work on the development of the platform/app. The things on the site can be classified by categories (hotels, bars, tours, cities, etc) and, in addition to classifying already existing information, people can share their personal experience and rate places in terms of safety.
+ What is it about your idea that makes you feel good?
As a female who traveled alone quite a bit, I understand how scary it can be and if there is a way to make it safer for other women, I would love to do it.
+ What makes your idea innovative? Why has no one ever done it before?
There are plenty of random articles, reviews and comments about the safety of certain places but there is no place gathering all the helpful information together.
+ Who will benefit the most from your idea?
Mostly young women traveling on their own but whoever feels scared going to a new place can definitely benefit.
+ Ideally, when would you launch this idea?
In a year
+ Indicate which UN goals your idea relates to?
Gender Equality; Reduced Inequality; Partnerships to achieve the Goal
+ At Sigmund, we are interested in ideas at the intersection of People, Planet, and Profit. How does your idea relate to these three categories?
People would obviously benefit from this idea as they are the main focus. With happy people, planet is a more beautiful place. Profit would come from the hospitality industry representatives willing to be featured as the safe place for solo travelers. We could reach out to the safest places for ads and I would like to assume other places could reach out to us to get featured too in the future. We could also get women's apparel and other products featured as well as, I hope, some of the travel bloggers would possibly want to advertise.
+ If you have a website for your idea, please enter the URL below.
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