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GODSWAY'S IDEA: Green Construction experiences in Ghana to promote education

+ What is your name?

Godsway Tek Agyagbo

+ Are you submitting as a team or as an individual?

Individual submission

+ Where are you located?


+ In one sentence, tell us about your idea.

I wish to build an after-school center using natural and recycled materials; using the building process as a workshop to attract help from global travelers to provide a sustainable learning space for underprivileged children in rural Ghana.

+ Describe your ideal collaborative partner or partners.

My ideal collaborators or partners for this project would be universities or high schools with programs or student bodies that align with the following interests:

Sustainability: Schools with environmental science, green building programs, or a strong focus on environmental responsibility.
Social Impact & Volunteerism: Schools with active volunteer programs, social work departments, or a culture of giving back to the community.
Global Citizens & Travel: Universities or high schools with international exchange programs, study abroad opportunities, or a strong travel culture would be good fits.

+ What is the most immediate or most pressing challenge you're facing right now?

The most pressing challenge I am facing now is the lack of response from institutions I am interested in connecting with. I have sent hundreds of proposal emails to institutions in North America and Europe but received no response.

+ What is it about your idea that makes you feel good?

Overall, my idea feels good because it offers a well-rounded experience that promotes personal growth, sustainability, and community development. It's a chance to learn, make a difference, and have an adventure – a winning combination!

+ What is your idea's primary category?


+ What is your idea's secondary category?


+ What makes your idea innovative? Why has no one ever done it before?

This project is innovative because it combines several unique elements:

  • Sustainable Building Techniques: Utilizing readily available, recycled materials like bottles and tires for construction promotes environmental awareness and cost-effectiveness.

  • Hands-on Learning & Global Impact: Students gain valuable skills in eco-building while directly contributing to a vital community space in rural Ghana.

  • Immersive Cultural Experience: Weekend excursions offer participants a chance to connect with Ghanaian culture, enriching their learning experience.

  • Flexible Program Structure: Catering to diverse needs, the program allows for participation lengths from one week to three months.

+ How far does your idea reach?


+ Who will benefit the most from your idea?

This project offers a unique educational experience for several groups:

  • Underprivileged children in rural Ghana: They gain a safe and enriching after-school center for learning and development.

  • University/High School Students: They learn valuable skills in sustainable building, contribute to a meaningful project, and gain cultural immersion.

  • My Institution: It strengthens my sustainability profile, fosters global citizenship in students, and offers a unique learning opportunity.

  • The Environment: Recycled materials minimize construction waste and promote eco-friendly building practices.

+ Ideally, when would you launch this idea?

In a few months

+ Indicate which UN goals your idea relates to?

  • Quality Education

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

  • Climate Action

  • Reduced Inequality

  • Partnerships to achieve the Goal

+ At Sigmund, we are interested in ideas at the intersection of People, Planet, and Profit. How does your idea support these three categories?

People: Supports People: Educates children, builds skills, fosters community.
Planet: Protects Planet: Uses recycled materials, promotes eco-friendly building, raises sustainability awareness.
Profit: Provides Profit (Social Good):

  • Empowers the community: Creates a lasting educational resource, fosters future generations of skilled builders, and strengthens social capital.

  • Attracts future collaborations: Successful project completion positions my organization as a thought leader in sustainable development, attracting partnerships with NGOs, educational institutions, and potential funders and travelers.

  • Enhances my institution's reputation: Participation showcases my after-school center’s commitment to social responsibility and innovative educational experiences, potentially attracting students passionate about sustainability and global citizenship.

+ Your website URL