ENZO'S IDEA: An exoskeleton for travelers and travel agents
A technology-savvy partner who believes in the project, but also just enthusiastic people who see its great potential.
+ What is your name?
+ Where are you located?
+ In one sentence, tell us about your idea.
Through a series of targeted questions, the AI aims to understand the flight needs and quickly find the available solution that best matches them.
+ Describe your ideal collaborative partner or partners.
I am looking for a visionary who, like me, believes that AI can enable us to work better, like a bionic limb or exoskeleton that can make us more powerful, but always under our control and supervision. If they have knowledge of AI, NLP, and LLP, even better
+ What is the most immediate or most pressing challenge you're facing right now?
Finding someone with technical knowledge, albeit not very in-depth, of AI, NLP, and LLM, who can take on the role of Chief Technology Officer
+ What is it about your idea that makes you feel good?
Like an exoskeleton, it is something that does the hardest work... it tries to understand the customer's needs, quickly processes all the solutions available at that moment, in order to find the one that best satisfies the customer's needs. In essence, it performs all the tedious and repetitive tasks that a human can make mistakes in, not only due to inexperience, but also due to distraction or fatigue. However, it must perform all of these tasks following precise directives that are imposed by our experience and supervision. In order to perform well, it should not be allowed to take autonomous initiatives that go beyond the reasoning/behavior patterns that we have established for it.
+ What makes your idea innovative? Why has no one ever done it before?
Honestly, I wouldn't know. The only answer that comes to mind is that the technology was not yet mature.
+ Who will benefit the most from your idea?
Travelers who will be provided with the solution that best meets their needs in a short amount of time, without having to process thousands of pieces of information themselves, even if they don't have the necessary tools to do so. Travelers who can be assisted with maximum speed and professionalism at every step of their customer journey, from the exposition of their needs, to the examination of the proposed solution/solutions, to the purchase of the travel solution, to the completion of the journey itself until their return. The beneficiaries of this solution will also be travel operators and industry professionals, who can rise above the repetitive daily routine work, by simply training the machine, imposing very specific operating rules, and then supervising its operation. Professionals who can see opportunities for growth and receive fair compensation based on their abilities, without having to manage continuous emergencies.
+ How far does your idea reach?
+ Ideally, when would you launch this idea?
I've already launched my idea
+ Indicate which UN goals your idea relates to?
Zero Hunger Decent Work and Economic Growth Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
+ At Sigmund, we are interested in ideas at the intersection of People, Planet, and Profit. How does your idea relate to these three categories?
Reducing energy and time waste by directly leading to the solution that best fits the desired outcome, while avoiding, to the maximum extent possible, the possibility of encountering any setbacks.
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