DANILO'S IDEA: Travel Community Hub App, allow travellers to be connected, informed and safe.
Looking to connect with a Marketing partner/company that will help us scale up the brand awareness and the user that intend to download the app.
+ What is your name?
Danilo Di Dio
+ Are you submitting as a team or as an individual?
Individual submission
+ Where are you located?
+ In one sentence, tell us about your idea.
The idea is to have a Travel Hub Community that allows travellers to have all usefule travel features in one app and to keep them connected.
+ Describe your ideal collaborative partner or partners.
I would look for a partner that could focus on the marketing part and improve the communication with the targets. The partner should have the possibility to reach an high number of traveller users so that the app could impact the market quite aggressively.
+ What is the most immediate or most pressing challenge you're facing right now?
The main challenge is to have an high number of users that use the app. Considering that the main purpose of the app is to be a community, with few users the app it does not show its best results.
+ What is it about your idea that makes you feel good?
The idea have born from a real need and a real market that is spread within different platforms. Also due my experience in Travel Security, I am sure that is needed a better duty of care for small and medium companies. The duty of care is mandatory for companies that have employees traveling around and there is no a real market yet available. The onyl market for the duty of care is covered for corporate companies due its high costs.
+ What makes your idea innovative? Why has no one ever done it before?
The idea is a hub, the innovative part is to include as much as features as possible (80% already implemented). The more feature, thanks to AI, will be automatize and create an unique experience for the user without browsing and dowloanding many other traveling app.
+ Who will benefit the most from your idea?
any travelers will benefit from this app. Leisure travellers they can find just simple information of their destination, Solo travellers can find a travel buddy, Business travellers can find info for their duty of care.
+ At Sigmund, we are interested in ideas at the intersection of People, Planet, and Profit. How does your idea support these three categories?
In terms of people the app wants to connect travellers without any boundaries or borders. In terms of Profit, the app will have an internal in App purchase and the possibility to insert advertises from any travel services companies that are interested on a specific target In terms of Planet, the idea is to enhance a footprint map that help travellers to be more conscious about their use of transportation and any activity that impact the environmnent.
+ Ideally, when would you launch this idea?
I've already launched my idea
+ Indicate which UN goals your idea relates to?
- Reduced Inequality
- Partnerships to achieve the Goal
+ Your website URL
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